The Law Firm, aware of the importance and efficacy of a systematic approach, in the business management, to the quality of the professional services offered, has adopted a Quality Management System, and, on 2018, has obtained the certification UNI EN ISO 9001:2015.

In 2024 the Law Firm, attentive to the values of gender equality and inclusion, women empowerment and contrast to any form of discrimination, has integrated its Management System with a gender equality system in compliance with Regulation UNI/PdR 125/2022.

Gender equality is amongst the 17 goals of the UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and within the EU “Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025”. In this context, Italy has adopted the “National Strategy on Gender Equality 2020-2025”, the goals of which are part of the national PNRR.  

Furthermore, the Law Firm has appointed a Steering Committee, in compliance with Regulation UNI/PdR 125/2022 for the effective adoption, continuous and effective application and constant monitoring of the system.

Here the link to the Quality Policy ( link )

Here the link to the Gender Equality Policy ( link )

Here the link to the Communication Plan (link)